Online Clips Archive

“Information Nation” (CAJE Jewish Education News)

How do members of GenX and the milennials find their Jewish education? Here’s a hint: you’re looking at it. Well, not specifically, but the internet, of course…

Information Nation: Expanding Education’s Frontier to Find ‘Generation Tech,'” which appears in the CAJE Jewish Education News, is co-authored with Ariel Beery, editor of PresenTense Magazine.

Beware Geeks Bearing Clips

Having just returned from Israel, where I was involved in both the PresenTense Institute for Creative Zionism (which you can read about here) and the ROI Summit (which you can read about here), I did the natural thing and jumped on a train to head to Boston. Or Bostonish, since I’m at Brandeis University. I’m here for a fellowship for Jewish journalists: it’s like a bootcamp of networking and education designed to help us take our journalistic journeys to the next level.

Also, while I was away, I produced two columns. In tribute to my summer romance with Jewish innovation (I know…sounds totally hot, right? I guess it’s possible that I might be a geek, but at least I’m a creative Zionist geek), I present this column, whose name — picked by my editor, apparently — is so bad that I’m not even putting it here. Just click and read.

And if you missed the column before that, click here for “Find His Wife, Please,” a column about standup single comic David Kilimnick, who I am officially declaring July’s Single Semite of the Month.

But why stop now? I’m still producing…my latest is a post here at the JTA, called “Redefining ‘Jews By Choice'”.

“Knocked Up” in Jerusalem

No, not me. I’ve just been thinking a lot about the movie, and in particular about the Munich clip.

So for your reading pleasure, I present “Muniched Up?” over at Beliefnet.

And stay tuned for a post over at JTA about the discussions of Jewish identity in the film…

Here and There

Where? There? I’ve been there. And what about Here? Not so much, but occasionally.

Now again I write from a purgatory of living out of a suitcase. But I’m publishing, which is good.

Covering Your Bases (baseball as analogy)
A Price Above Rubies (and Botox) (an exploration of money matters in dating)
Make Babies, Not Contributions (will the Jewish community accept creative entrepreneurs if they’re not also procreating?)
Finding a Second Life (reflections on a birthday)

Next post will be from Jerusalem. Yes, again.

Falling Behind, With Good Reason

Busy creates a new definition for me this month…in addition to the regular potpourri of singles columns and blog posts on sites all over the internet, and in addition to my work with PresenTense Magazine, I’ve added a nearly full-time job, so things have been a little slow over here. I’m going to try to be more vigilant about posting links to my articles and blog posts. And I’m going to try to fix all those problems with My Urban Kvetch, which for some reason is having difficulty loading. But at the risk of sounding self-congratulatory, I’m having some trouble keeping up with myself.

Look to the “Recent Writings” page for the latest.

Updated Clips Always Available


Even if there’s no new post here in this space, you can always find my newest pieces on this page, which is frequently updated. It’s also been added as a tab above for your browsing convenience!

“A Long Road to Changing the World” (account of Leading Up North, JW)


A Long Road to Changing the World (Jewish Week)

Each of the nine times I have been to Israel has been a completely different experience — with my family or at Hebrew U, leading a birthright trip or at a conference. But this time I was part of a mission of over 500 young Jews who had arrived a few weeks ago to make a difference. On this trip, there would be no Kotel visit, no partying in Tel Aviv, no visiting relatives on kibbutzim. This was ten days devoted to social service in communities ravaged by this past summer’s war. There would be painting and reforestation, discussion, networking and ultimately, a feeling that we had a long road ahead of us.

Most of the buses belonged to the Jewish Coalition for Service, and hundreds of Hillel students arrived a week later in a “second wave” of participants. Ours was a group of about 40 mostly twenty-somethings, alumni of Schusterman-sponsored leadership programs like ROI 120 and Kivun, and all imported under the aegis of the sponsoring organization, the new Center for Leadership Initiatives, whose first major project was this effort to help “rebuild the North.”

Want more? Original article is here.

“Checkbox Commitment” (JW-First Person Singular)


From “Checkbox Commitment,” my latest Jewish Week singles column…

In high school, my friends and I used to pass notes to each other. The notes could be anywhere from one sentence to several pages, depending on how prolific (or bored) we were feeling. Often, we talked about boys — who we liked, who we couldn’t believe liked us and who broke our hearts by telling us that they liked our friends. Occasionally, a note would read: “Do you like [name of boy]? Check one box.” You’d consider the boxes (“yes,” “no,” and “maybe”) and make a selection. That action of checking a single box was the ultimate commitment of the moment: it could determine your romantic pursuits for the foreseeable future.

For the entire article, click here.

EDK Triple Play


Today was quite a day in the life of a nearly-broke writer. First, my Beliefnet post about the Oscar nominations was featured on the homepage of the website. Secondly, my latest Jewish Week singles article, Single Mom Seeking (about author Rachel Sarah), appeared online. And thirdly, The Huffington Post’s Eat the Press columnist mentioned me in a blog post about last night’s conversation between New Yorker writers Patricia Marx and Adam Gopnik at the 92nd Street Y. (I was at a blogger reception held before the event, and the first several rows at the lecture were reserved for bloggers.)

I guess by all accounts that’s a pretty good, pretty high-profile day.

New Writings Online…


Israel_2006_00031__WinCE_.JPGI’m off on a fact-finding expedition in the Holy Land. Will post new clips and content as they come in. In the interim, here are some of my newest…

A Singular Space, NY Jewish Week Directions Guide 12/06

Banging Out Culture and Community, NY Jewish Week (singles)

Dating 2.0 (NY Jewish Week singles)
Friends in High Places (NY Jewish Week singles)
Who Your Friends Are (NY Jewish Week singles)
High School Revisited (NY Jewish Week singles)

Bush’s So-Called Elementary School Life (Idol Chatter)
The Painted Veil: Class and Romance in the Time of Cholera (Idol Chatter)
Two Rabbis on the Radio (Idol Chatter)
Kula Uncovers "Hidden Wisdom" in New TV Series (Idol Chatter)

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