Last Sunday witnessed the long-planned day of lectures, sessions and workshops on the subject of the single life, featuring a keynote address by Dr. Ruth Westheimer and an afternoon panel of my own creation which portrayed a dating “state of the union” of sorts to the audience of about 40 men and women.

Featuring professionals from online dating services, matchmakers, dating bloggers and humorists, our panel addressed certain universal questions–about who pays on first dates, whether online dating works, what the role of the contemporary matchmaker is, etc. The audience was just as involved as the panelists, which created a wonderful dialogue on the subject, about which all of us–panelists and audience members– were passionate.

Copious notes were taken, and hopefully, as soon as the smoke clears from our Memorial Day Weekend Barbeques, I’ll have a more substantive post on what was–and wasn’t–covered by the workshop.

Were you there? Leave me a comment and let me know what you liked about Sunday’s program…